Tips for Kicking Seasonal Sickness

Hello loves! I am so sorry I've been MIA these past two weeks, its been an eventful few weeks in our household ha! My entire family came down ill and it knocked us down like dominoes. My son was diagnosed with RSV a week ago and poor thing, then got a secondary infection from it and he was pitiful. Thank goodness he was older when he got RSV because I hear it can be so hard on infants and that is so scary! Then I thought I was coming down with the flu and it actually ended up being Mastitis from weaning breastfeeding, and that was not fun! And then Aaron was struck with an upper respiratory infection, that love his heart, he still has not completely got over. I wanted to get us all better so we could enjoy Thanksgiving with our family, so that was my focus and the blog had to take a back seat! Thank you all for being patient with me and allowing me this time with my family!

Today's post is all about the items and tips and tricks we used these past few weeks to help get our family back to healthy! First and foremost a little disclaimer; I am not a doctor and nothing in this post is sponsored, but some of these are suggestions made by Knox's Pediatrician and helped our family. I know everyone's immune system is not the same and responds differently but these are just some things that helped us and I hope maybe they can help you if need be. We did use Tylenol to help relieve Knox's pain and fever and a antibiotic for his ear infection but all of these items were used in conjunction to get him back to healthy.

Vicks Cool Mist Vaporizer

Knox's Pediatrician recommended us get one of these for Knox's room to run while he sleeps to help with his breathing. RSV causes babies to have the worst cough and labored breathing so this really helped. We run this every night even though he is getting better because the added moisture in the air is good for dry skin, asthma and allergies and I want to do anything I can to help prevent those things!

Zarbee's Soothing Chest Rub and Cough Syrup 

The worst part of having your little one sick is that their little bodies cant tolerate the same medicines that ours can. I also don't want to give Knox all kinds of chemicals and harsh medications so we have been trying to incorporate homeopathic remedies as well. The chest rub is similar to Vicks Vapor Rub but does not have any menthol or Petroleum jelly in it, all it is Eucalyptus, Lavender and beeswax. We would rub it on the bottom of his feet, chest and spine before bed to help him breath.  
We also really liked the Cough and Mucus Syrup from Zarbee's made with Agave and Ivy Leaf. This coated his throat and helped soothe it especially through the night.

Diffuser and Essential Oils

Aaron's cousin Tamra is an oil guru and actually has a page called Oil and Flower Wellness on Facebook and Instagram. You should check her out if you are interested in adding in more holistic health items to your routine. She is amazing and so knowledgeable  so check her out! I texted her when we all started going down hill and she gave us some great advice to help kick the sickness. She told me to diffuse the essential oil "On Guard" pretty much continuously and place the peppermint oil diluted with fractionated coconut oil on Knox's spine to decrease fever. We also used the roller ball breath on his chest and Aaron's chest to help open up their airways. Slowly but surely we are learning more and more about oils and ways to incorporate them into our everyday lives.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is huge for immune support and can really help your body fight against illness. Aaron and I started taking two of these gummies a day once we started to get sick to help our body fight off all the nasty germs. Vitamin C is great to take everyday and not only once you're feeling under the weather, especially during the winter months, to help boost your immune system. I love the gummies too because they taste delicious and I do not feel like I am taking vitamins.


At the end of the day all anyone really wants, especially our sick little babies is just to be snuggled. I got in lots of awesome baby snuggles these past few weeks and even though I hate that he didn't feel well I will take any cuddles I can get. Knox is a busy, busy boy so Aaron and I knew he really didn't feel well when he would just let us hold him and lay on us all day. I know these days are fleeting so I loved every minute of it and allowed everything else to go to the way side. Hence why its been two weeks since I've last posted.

I pray none of you get sick or your families get sick but in the off chance that you do, my hope is some of these tips may help you bounce back quicker! Thank you everyone for all the thoughts and prayers for our family, its sad how much we take for granted a healthy body. I have tried to make more of a conscious effort to thank God everyday for our health and the health of my loved ones.

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and rest of the week and thank you so much for stopping by! I am going to try and get up a lot of content for your in these next few weeks and I am super excited about it! I have three different collaborations coming up and some awesome giveaways to celebrate the season of giving so make sure you are subscribed and following so you don't miss out!

Be Well,

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

3 John 1:2

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.


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