Where we have been & our pregnancy journey!

Hello strangers, I know it has been a long time since my last post and I am so sorry for that. I wanted my first post back to update everyone on where we have been, and catch you up on what has been going on in our lives these last few months! Life has definitely thrown some curve balls these last six months, however; we have experienced way more blessings than burdens.

For those of you who do not know, my husband experienced a massive heart attack in the beginning of April, and to say that rocked our worlds would be an understatement. Aaron ended up having two 100% blockages, two 50-60% blockages and one stent placed. I haven't really spoke about this on a public forum because, I do not like to work through personal things on social media. I like to keep my social medias light and about the fun things in life, and just be a light hearted escape. However; this just hit so close to home and I wanted to be completely transparent with my readers, and let you all know what has been going on. You always think your family and your husband are invincible. That it would never happen to you or your family, until it does. One thing I know to be true, God was with us every step of the way and as time goes on that has become more and more evident. It is funny how later on you can see God moving mountains, that you had no idea were even there.

Aaron was a weight lifter at the time, and was consuming lots of beef and eggs to bulk up, putting lots of stress on his body with the weight he was lifting, and his heart was enlarged from that amount of weight. Unfortunately, everything Aaron was doing to hep him become a better weight lifter, was negatively affecting his heart. Aaron was also diagnosed with Familial Hyperlipidemia while in the hospital, which is a genetic condition in which your body does not properly dispose of cholesterol, and one of the main side effect is early heart attacks. The doctor explained that unfortunately Aaron hit every risk factor and it was just the perfect storm. As terrifying as that experience was, we are so grateful that God spared Aaron and that we now know about Aaron's genetics and how to better prepare for the future and our children's future. We will run the genetic test with our children around the age of 5-6 to see if they are also predisposed to this condition, and for that I am so grateful. Aaron received the immediate care that he needed and was in wonderful hands. The doctors, nurses, EMT's, and everyone at Central Baptist were absolutely wonderful and I can not thank them enough for all they did for us. He is doing great now and is on the road to recovery and we have made so many lifestyle changes that are beneficial to not only Aaron, but the whole family. We try and eat cleaner, red meat is rare in our home now and Aaron is taking the correct cholesterol and heart medications to keep everything at bay. We have always tried to be pretty healthy but now we have a great motivator and constant accountability. I love that this healthier lifestyle is something our kids will grow up with and can pass on. I am so proud of Aaron and how he has handled this change in his life. It would have been easy for Aaron to get down on himself and of course he has had his down days, but overall Aaron has been so positive, and really tried to make the best of a tough situation. I feel so so blessed that God spared Aaron and allowed me to keep my husband and father for my children. I know in my heart , God truly has something special in store for Aaron.

After the heart attack Aaron was home for about a month and when I was home, I wanted to be enjoying my time with Knox and Aaron. I let the blog go to the wayside because honestly, writing a post about an outfit on sale or my favorite beauty products seemed so insignificant at the time. Now do not get me wrong, I love writing about those things and my blog and blog family are still so important to me, but everything is about perspective and priorities. At that time my family and husband had to be my number one priority and everything else could wait. I knew eventually I would be able to pick back up and get back to blogging, but for now I had to allow myself some time off and not beat myself up about it!

Fast forward to a few months later and everyone was doing well and getting back into the swing of things and finding our new normal. I had really been trying to work on being more consistent with posting on social media and growing my Instagram, and it was going well. Again, life threw us a new curve ball. Aaron and I had been trying to grow our family for about a year, we always said we wanted our children close, but we had run into a few complications. Aaron's heart attack obviously made us take a step back, I needed to make sure the family I had was healthy before we added a new member. My sister had suffered a very traumatic miscarriage around this time and the whole family was still in the grieving process and wanting to make sure she was ok. I also have Endometriosis and have had it removed once in the past, but my OBGYN had explained it would probably need to happen again before we were able to conceive. We tried to keep our hopes up and continue to pray for God's timing and had made a plan that by Knox's second birthday, if we were not pregnant, then we would seek some help.

It was the weekend before Labor day and my sister Amanda was actually the one who gave me the idea to take a pregnancy test. I had no inkling that I could really be pregnant, so it was more to mark it off the list. I took the test anyway and walked away and went about my day. I just happened to walk back into the bathroom a few minutes later and there were two little pink lines staring back at me. I went from shocked, to excited, to anxious, to happy, to overwhelmed, all in about ten seconds. I yelled for Aaron to come see and together we laughed, cried and celebrated!

I had been very sick with Knox and I had been feverishly praying this pregnancy would be different. A few weeks passed and then the dreaded morning sickness hit me, however it was more of an all day, no relief type sickness. Water became hard to keep down, work was brutal and poor Knox and Aaron did not have much of a mother or wife at this time. I was so extremely sick I went from bed to couch and would sleep 23/24 hours of the day if possible, the only time I was not sick was when I was sleeping. The only thing I can compare it to for those of you who have been lucky enough to not experience pregnancy sickness, is it is like having the flu for 12 weeks straight. I had to cancel every plan I had made, my friends hated me ha, and I was lucky if I didn't look like a zombie while at work. My mom guilt for not being able to be there for Knox and play with him as I always had, was killing me. Aaron truly deserves all the credit and respect in the world because he stepped up and played mom and dad without question. He would come home from work, put me to bed at 6pm ( no joke), feed Knox, bath Knox, play with him and put him to bed every night. Then he would stay up for hours and do his homework from school and never once did he complain or make me feel worse. He truly was my hero at that time and I know without a doubt, I never could have made it through without him. Aaron if you are reading this , I have never loved you more or been more grateful to be your wife, you are the real MVP, thank you so much! We always think of the mothers when we talk about the trials of pregnancy, but it is important to remember it can be hard on the men too.

After a few weeks of trying to go on nausea medication with no relief and no change, finally my mother in law and Aaron called my doctor an explained that something was not right. We ended up in the ER and I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is a severe form of morning sickness. They gave me some IV fluids to combat the dehydration and reset my body and placed me on a prescription of Promethazine. Over the new few weeks slowly but surely I started to feel human again and I was able to start keeping food down.  If any of you have ever experienced morning sickness my heart and prayers are truly with you and those of you who haven't, please tell me your secrets haha! Morning sickness or no morning sickness all that matters is a healthy baby and the rest is always forgotten. He had answered our prayers for another child and we were so grateful!

So long story short all of this rambling is just to say I am sorry for my absence on the blog and I am excited to finally get back to it. And what a better time to get back to blogging, than right at the holidays, my ABSOLUTE favorite time of the year! Of course with the second baby coming, I will be covering maternity content and baby stuff, but for all of you who are not pregnant, I will also be posting my normal content as well. I am so excited for this next journey in our lives and I am so grateful to have all of you be apart of it, following along with us! Thank you all so much!

Be Well,

If any of you have suffered or known someone who has suffered from a miscarriage or infertility, my heart and prayers are truly with you. I have had so many people I love this year suffer from miscarriages and it is so heart breaking and eye opening, I am not sure if there is a greater heart ache for a woman. One lesson we have learned this year is that God gives and God takes away, but either way He is still God. Here are some of my favorite bible verses for anyone going through a tough time.

Psalm 147:3- "He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds."

Romans 8:18- "The pain you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming."

Psalm 34:18- "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Mathew 11:28 - " Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."


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