28 Random Facts About Me

Happy New Year everyone, hope everyone is ringing in the new decade with the people you love most and lots of hope for the coming year! This month I turned 28 and with it being new years as well, I wanted to celebrate my last post of 2019 with 28 random facts about me! It is all in good fun and some are silly and predictable and some are deeper truths that I hope give you a little glimpse into my life. I started this blog to help share my life, world, family, loves, tips and tricks with you all and thought what a better way to do that, than this! I want this blog to be a two way street where we all share with one another, to help us better get to know each other! So I would love to hear from you all with some random facts about yourself as well if you feel like sharing!

1) I have been married for four years and truly love being a wife to my best friend. Of course I want to strangle him sometimes when he leaves his dirty clothes in the bathroom floor or dishes in the sink ha ha, but I am not too proud to say I truly need my husband and love him with my whole heart!

2) I am a mother to a perfect baby boy named Knox and soon to be a mom to another baby boy, coming this May! Becoming a mother is definitely one of the most defining moments, if not the most defining moment for me of this decade and I truly am the woman I am today, because I am a mother.

3) My favorite color is blue, I love all shades of blue, but light and pale blue are my favorite!

4) I am born and raised in Kentucky and I used to want to leave this state so badly when I was younger, but I have truly come to love the beauty of Kentucky and I love having four seasons. I am also ashamed to say I don't really know a thing about UK basketball, which is a cardinal sin in KY. I do always root for us though, so at least I do that!! 

5) I have the absolute worst handwriting and it makes me so sad. I envy people who have beautiful hand writing and can make anything they write look beautiful! My best friend has gorgeous hand writing and dabbles in calligraphy and it is so neat and pretty!

6) I love to clean and organize things, it is one of my passions as crazy as that sounds. Sometimes when I get bored, I like to organize my closet or drawers. I feel like when everything has a designated place and is neat and tidy that I can breath better and feel more relaxed. I know I am OCD and a little cray cray, so please tell me I am not alone.

7) I think people who are musically talented are some of the smartest people in the world. I really want to learn to play the guitar and have wanted to play for a long time! One of my goals this year is to finally take the time to start some lessons.

8) I am the only girl in my family who is not born in May, my mom is May 22nd, my older sister is May 5th and my younger sister is May 26th. So when I was younger, I never understood why I didn't have a birthday around my sisters. So when I was a toddler my parents created a day in May called Katelyn Day where I got cake and got to play like it was a mini birthday haha! I know, I know what a cliche middle child syndrome haha,  but it was really sweet that my parents did that to help me feel included, and no, Katelyn Day does not still exist!  

9) One of my biggest insecurities growing up was being different, being different in any way mean't unwanted attention on me and I hated that. In Middle School and High School I wanted to be exactly like the rest of my peers and all  I wanted was to blend in. I hated that I had a big nose, was short, flat chested, had eczema, anything that made me look or feel different than my friends I hated, and kids can be mean, so it sticks with you. Back then I even let my insecurities make me feel like I needed to get plastic surgery one day, to fix what made me different. I feel like this is common at that age and I pray that I am able to talk to my children, niece and nephew one day and explain to them being different is something to embrace and not shy away from. I feel like I am finally at a place where I understand God made us all different for a reason and that is something to be grateful for.

10) I am obsessed with pugs, or any flat faced dog breed. I love their little snores, I love their flat noses and I just think they are so ugly they are cute. It is a running joke in my family that we all love ugly dogs but to us they are the cutest things ever!

11) When I was a younger I had dreams of becoming a Marine Biologist, Archeologist, Dentist, and even children's book author and illustrator. So many random things haha, but I do still really love writing and need to get back to drawing so maybe that is why I enjoy blogging so much!

12) I work full time as a Dental Hygienist.

13) I love to cook and being in the kitchen is a passion and something I truly enjoy doing for my family! I like to show people I love them through food, I get this from my momma!

14) I am the least flexible person on this planet haha if you all want a good laugh you should see me try and touch my toes! I need to work on this and I know I need to be stretching everyday but in complete honesty I hate to stretch!

15) I HATE HATE HATE Chef Boyardee, Nacho cheese, Macaroni and steak. I know its super weird but for whatever reason those foods make my stomach turn , yuck!!

16) I feel like my spiritual growth and journey with God really began and evolved in my 20's. I have always been a believer and went to church because that is how I was raised but I really feel like my journey with truly accepting God as my Lord and Savior has began in my 20's and is something I really want to work on and pour into this year. I know with 100% certainty, I am who I am because I am a daughter of the King and that everything good in me comes from him!

17) I have severe FOMO when I am not able to do something with my friends and family, I hate feeling like I am missing out on something fun haha!

18) I am really good at impersonations and can do a pretty good Shakira and The Grinch ( the Jim Carey Version) I can also quote that entire movie!

19) I think the movies The Cat in the Hat, Alice in Wonderland, Coraline, Nightmare before Christmas, Charley and the Chocolate Factory, and Cats are ABSOLUTELY terrifying haha!

20) I am obsessed with older music, I love the 70's and 80's and  90's of course since I am a 90's baby! I love all the classics and I feel like our generation is really missing out on great music!

21) I have an irrational fear of stepping on a frog and squishing it! I have no idea where this fear came from but I do not like amphibians or reptiles lol!

22) I am a natural blonde and would love to be bold and exciting with my hair like my younger sister but I am pretty boring and seem to just like what I like! My hair is one thing that has stayed pretty consistent this whole decade haha!

23) I am a recovering perfectionist. I have always felt that I wasn't good enough unless I was perfect at whatever I was doing. I fear not being enough as wife, mother, daughter, sister friend, employee, blogger, etc... I do not like to do things unless I think I can do them perfectly and I am slowly but surely learning to give myself grace. I think that is part of the reason I have not fully allowed myself to commit 100% to blogging. If I am being completely truthful with myself and you all, I am afraid to fail at something that I really want to be good at. So I feel like if I do not commit fully then I still have a safety net and that can be the reason I am not successful, not because I failed. This is something God has really laid on my heart and something I want to work on in 2020. Its is funny that I put these expectations on myself but then know better than to expect perfection from my loved ones, we are always are harshest critics. I know being perfect at anything is impossible and not what God calls us to be, he calls us to be holy and not perfect and that is what I am going to try my best to be!

23) I love to watch Youtube videos about lifestyle, beauty, luxury etc.. it is one of my favorite me-times and I love to watch Youtube videos while I take a bath! Some of my favorites are Mallory Irvin, Amanda John, Alexandrea Garza, Jerusha Couture, The Lux Mommy, Makeup by Tiffany D, and many many more!

 24) One of my favorite authors of all time is C.S. Lewis and I am obsessed with the Chronicles of Narnia and love to watch the movie every Christmas!

25) Aaron and I are both huge nerds, we love anything to do with space, aliens, dinosaurs, sci-fi all the nerdy things we love! We just finished The Witcher on Netflix and it was a really cool fantasy-type show that is based off of Fiction books.

26) I have always wanted to have a big family, with lots and lots of babies running around. I have dreamed of having family dinners at my house on Sundays with the whole family! When Aaron and I first got married we talked about having 4 kiddos, we are half way there so we will see what God has in store for our family!

25) I would love to take my entire family on a huge all expenses paid vacation one day. They mean the world to me and I would love to be able to give back to them for all they have done for me and us all take a once and a lifetime vacation together! I love to travel and there is so much of this gorgeous world I want us all to see one day!

26) I love the water so very much! My whole family is water dogs and we all love the pool, lake, ocean, water sports, etc... Except deep ocean water lol I do not like drop offs and my husband makes fun of me for this ha ha!

27) I hate to mop and I hate to clean the showers. They are my least favorite chores and even though I know it has to be done, I complain to myself the whole time I am doing it or try and convince Aaron to do it haha!

28) I love my life. It is not perfect, every aspect of it is definitely not all flowers and rainbows but overall I truly am a happy girl. God has given me everything I need and more and I am grateful beyond words for the life he has given me! THIS IS 28!! 

So there are 28 SUPER random facts about me haha, I told you some were light hearted and some were more deep but every one is a little piece of me! Thank you all for the support you have given me and the blog in 2019 and I can't wait to see what 2020 has in store for us all and to share more of my little life here!

Be Well, 


Jeremiah 29:11- " For I know the plans I have for you ,declares The Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."


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